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How to choose heat shrink film?

Time: 2023-07-17 13:36:01 Click: 1

POF, PE, and PVC heat shrink films can be seen everywhere in daily life and are widely used. The application scope of PVC heat shrink film: It is commonly used in the convenience food, beverage market, etc., especially in the main application field of shrink labels. The application scope of PE heat shrink film: beverages, mineral water, and other large packaging equipment, items, etc. The application scope of POF heat shrink film: applied to automotive products, plastic products, food, cosmetics and other products. It is not difficult to find that the application fields of the three types of shrink films intersect. How to choose a heat shrink film? What is the difference between POF, PE, and PVC heat shrink films? With these questions in mind, let's take a look at the following text.

PVC heat shrink film JPGPOF heat shrink film. jpgPE heat shrink film JPG

1. Cold resistance and other physical properties: POF heat shrink film has excellent cold resistance, is not hard or brittle at -50 ℃, and is not easy to break, and can be used for frozen food packaging. After shrink packaging, the packaging material is stored for a long time at -50 ℃ -95 ℃, stable and unchanged. It has static electricity and anti fog treatment, is not easy to pollute dust, and can keep the product clean and bright PE heat shrink film has excellent cold resistance. In winter or after freezing, it does not harden or become brittle, so it is not easy to break during transportation. It has electrostatic elimination treatment, which is not easy to stain dust and can keep the product clean PVC heat shrink film has extremely poor cold resistance and can become brittle in winter or after freezing, making it prone to breakage during transportation. The longer the shrink packaging is used, the tighter it shrinks, causing deformation of the packaging material. Without static electricity elimination treatment, it is prone to dust contamination and blurring of the product

2. Other physical properties: POF heat shrink film is thin and tough, with uniform thickness, good moisture resistance, soft texture, high tensile strength, high tear resistance, and adjustable shrinkage rate. Due to the presence of LLDPE shrink film, it has better resistance to rubbing PE heat shrink film is thick and tough, with uniform thickness, good moisture resistance, and a soft texture. Its tear resistance is lower than that of POF heat shrink film, but much higher than PVC. The adjustable shrinkage rate is poor, and its rub resistance is not as good as that of POF PVC heat shrink film is thick and brittle, with uneven thickness, poor moisture resistance, hard and brittle texture, low strength, low shrinkage rate, and poor rubbing resistance

3. Safety: After shrink packaging with POF shrink film, the four corners of the sealing area are soft and will not cut people's hands, and it is also resistant to rubbing After shrink packaging with PE heat shrink film, the four corners of the seal are soft and will not cut people's hands After packaging with PVC heat shrink film, the four corners of the sealing area are hard and sharp, making it easy to cut

4. The cost of POF heat shrink film has a specific gravity of 0.92 and a thickness * of 0.01mm, resulting in a lower actual unit cost The specific gravity of PE heat shrink film is 0.92, and the thickness * is less than 0.03, resulting in a higher actual unit cost The specific gravity of PVC heat shrink film is 1.4, and the thickness * is small, which is 0.02mm. The actual unit cost is relatively high
